When I saw that Judith Morgan was doing a blogfest I jumped at the opportunity to be one of the 52 bloggers involved. First up anything that ends with fest is normally good fun! I am a fan of Judith’s work and with ‘guest blogging’ on my to-do list...
How were you feeling as the clock ticked over at midnight on the 31st of December and a new year begun? Excited about all the wonderful stuff planned for 2018? Hopeful of what was to come? Drunk? Sleepy? Indifferent? How about as you first wrote the date 2018 on a new...
I came across a beautiful story a couple of months back. As so many things in life, I stumbled across it at exactly the right time, the words struck a chord with me and have been playing in the back of my mind ever since. Today I eventually dug it out from where I had...
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